Ecu Remap Gearbox Pogramming Coding Diagnostics England, Scotland, Welsh
SGTM Terms & Condition
Ecu Remap Gearbox Pogramming Coding Diagnostics England, Scotland, Welsh

UK Performance Ecu Remapping | Birmingham Ecu Clone | Tcu Cloning | BCM Programming

Understanding SGTM Meaning and Its Implications


sgtm meaning in SG-Tronic Motorsport terms and conditions

Understanding SGTM Meaning and Its Implications

Please read these Terms and Conditions carefully before using the and the " SGTM Service operated by SG-Tronic Motorsport ''.

Your access to and use of the Service is conditioned on your acceptance of and compliance with these Terms. These Terms apply to all visitors and customers, users and others who access or use SGTM Services.


By accessing or using the services, you agree to be bound by these Terms. If you disagree with any part of the terms, then you may not access the Service.




If you wish to purchase any product or service made available through the SGTM (SG-Tronic Motorsport) Service, you may be asked to supply certain information relevant to your Purchase, including, without limitation.


The Purchases section is for businesses that sell online (physical or digital). For the full disclosure section.


Terms and Conditions



1.1 “The Company” refers to SG-Tronic MOTORSPORT or SGTM, trading as


1.2 “The Customer” refers to the person, partnership, Limited Company, or other legal entity, who agrees to services being provided by SG-Tronic MOTORSPORT (SGTM).


1.3 “The Conditions” refers to the terms and conditions of SG-Tronic MOTORSPORT operations, set out in this document and any special terms and conditions agreed in writing by the manager or other member of this company's management team, acting for and on behalf of SGTM.



2.1 These Conditions shall apply to all contracts for any parts or service provided by the SGTM to the Customer, excluding all other terms and conditions, including any terms and conditions the Customer may purport to apply under any purchase order, confirmation of order, or similar document.


2.2 Agreement of any work to be carried out by the SGTM shall be deemed conclusive evidence of the Customer's acceptance of these Conditions.


2.3 The SGTM may refuse to carry out all or part of any work for any reasonable reason.


3. Price and Payment or other reason, referral to Technical Support.

3.1 The price of the service provided shall be the price stated on the website or the price agreed between the SGTM and the Customer by any means of communication, at the time the Buyer agrees to work being carried out.


3.2 The price of the service provided by the SGTM may vary, dependent upon the need of acquiring further spare parts, carrying out further works or any other circumstances beyond the control of the Company; in such cases the Company will inform the Customer, providing him/her with the new quotation for the service and seeking for his/her explicit consent to proceed.


3.3 Any estimate given by a member of the SGTM to the Customer is valid for 30 days from the date given. All estimates by the SGTM are subject to change caused by variations to the labour, material and spare parts costs at the date of estimate.


3.4 All the prices are inclusive of VAT.

3.5 Payment of the price shall be due at a time of acquiring the service online or following completion of service when paying in cash or online, unless otherwise agreed, in writing, with the SGTM.


4. Checking Fee

4.1 The SGTM will charge a checking and administrative fee in the circumstances shown below, to cover the labour costs incurred in the handling, testing, and shipping of the item/s sent by the Customer.


4.2 Quotation not accepted: When the Customer refuses to accept a quotation given from the SGTM for a certain service.


4.3 No fault found: When, after checking the item/s sent by the Customer, no fault is found on them by the SGTM engineers or any other authorized representative.


4.4 Beyond repair: When the item/s is rated as irreparable by the SGTM engineers or any other authorized representative.


4.5 Repair not possible: When the SGTM is, for any reason, unable to proceed in order or services.


5. Title and Risk

5.1 Any work carried out by the SGTM at the request of the Customer, will be at the Customer’s risk from the point of completion of work, to the Customer's satisfaction in spite of delivery.


5.2 Title of any parts fitted shall not pass from the SGTM to the Customer until all relevant and outstanding invoices have been paid in full and at such a time that no other sums whatsoever are due from the Customer to the SGTM.


6. Third-Party Trademarks

Except where expressly stated to the contrary, all individuals (including their names and images), third-party trademarks and images of third-party products, services, and locations featured on this Website are in no way associated, linked or affiliated with SG-Tronic MOTORSPORT and you should not rely on the existence of such a connection or affiliation. Any trademarks/names featured on this Website are owned by the respective trademark owners. Where a trademark or brand name is referred to, it is used solely to describe or identify the products and services and is in no way an assertion that such products or services are endorsed by or connected to SG-Tronic MOTORSPORT.



7. Customer's Warranties

The Customer hereby warrants that he/she is not an undercharged bankrupt and has not committed any act of bankruptcy or being a company with either limited or unlimited liability knows of no circumstances which would entitle any debenture holder or secured creditor to appoint a Receiver or to petition for the winding up of the company or exercise any other rights over or against the company's assets.


8. Disputes and Jurisdiction

8.1 All contracts entered into between the SGTM and the Customer shall be governed by the laws of England and Wales, and all disputes arising out of any contract between the SGTM and the Customer shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.


8.2 If the Customer is dissatisfied with any repair or service carried out by the SGTM, the Customer should first contact the SGTM to try to resolve the matter.


9. Warranty

9.1 The parts and labour itemized on the invoice are guaranteed free from defect for the following periods, depending on the repair category.

These warranty periods are always counted from the date of the invoice and only apply as long as the Customer owns the vehicle:


  • Remote key Fob Programming : 90 days.
  • Immobiliser repairs : 6 months.
  • Immobiliser remove: 12 months.
  • Instrument cluster repairs: 12 months.
  • Airbag crash data reset: 6 months (as long as the vehicle is not involved in another crash).
  • ECU Postal Remap: 12 months just to Modify Tune File/Software (Warranty not cover Hardware / Ecu)
  • ECU Cloning and Recovery Software Service is not covered by warranty. SGTM doesn't take any responsibility if the customers send it by post or delivery in person the Ecu's includes (Airbag Module, BSI, BCM, Gearbox TCM/TCU, Cas 1, 2, 3, 4+, FRM, BDC etc)  hardware faulty or the software is crashes. The service is not refundable after the cloning, programming, reprogramming, coding service it was delivered to the customer. 
  • ECU Tuning / Remap File : 12-month warranty only for File Software Modify by SGTM. 
  • ECU & Module Software Flash Data is not covered by warranty or refundable. 
  • We don't assume any responsibility for customer action what include Airbag Module, Remapping, Chip Tuning, Connection between Ecu Hardware and Programmer or any other work care on by Customer what related on SGTM website  
  • Mercedes-Benz Electronic Ignition Switch (EIS) repairs: 6 months
  • Mercedes-Benz Electronic Steering Lock (ESL) repairs: 6 months 

9.1.1 Mobile Diagnostics 

      Limitations and exclusions Inspection and Report.

We don't check or remove anything from the vehicle during the Inspection. Therefore, we can't be held responsible for any problems that weren't found during the Inspection, or that were not discovered during the Inspection. We also cannot be held responsible for any defects that were not found during the Inspection.

A lack of defect in any part of the vehicle at the time of the Inspection does not constitute a warranty or guarantee of durability in any part of the vehicle, nor is it a guarantee against defects arising in the future.

We cannot be held responsible for problems in vehicles that or have been used in unusual ways. These problems were not found during our inspection and were not brought to our attention. You accept that such vehicles are more prone than usual to latent defects.

During the test, we will read and write down any errors we find. However, we cannot be held responsible for any errors that appear after our assessment.

The ECU's diagnostics software may not reveal errors that were cleared before the vehicle inspection, and these may not be reflected in the report.

The pictures and videos will include four pictures taken from outside and one picture taken inside the vehicle documents. The odometer will also be included.

9.1.2 Mobile Diagnostics Restrictions
The inspection can only be conducted during daylight hours under ideal weather conditions. Poor weather conditions or visibility may mean the Inspection is restricted.
Inspection conditions or the environment may affect the quality of images of any photos. The engineer can choose to take pictures only if it helps the Report.
Due to the visual nature of Our Inspection, it may not be possible to perform all checks in all cases. Items that are not reasonably accessible will not be subjected to inspection. In such circumstances, we shall not be obligated to conduct an inspection and provide a report on the component or item in question, and will mark the relevant section of the Report accordingly.
If we can't do the inspection because of something outside our control or because you didn't do what we asked, we won't give you any money back. We may offer to carry out the inspection on an alternative date if we are unable to complete the entire inspection, and we reasonably consider that this is necessary due to no fault on your part.
additional cost.
Some vehicles are built in a way that prevents our inspectors from undertaking an oil analysis test.     


9.2 This warranty statement only applies to the repair works carried out by the SGTM and cannot be invoked in case of any other unrelated faults that could affect the item. This warranty statement also excludes any damage arising from customer / third-party interference, routine wear and tear, negligence, abuse or any form of accidental damage, including water damage etc.


9.3 Shipping and handling costs incurred by the Customer when sending any item to the SG-Tronic MOTORSPORT are not covered by this warranty statement.


9.4 The SGTM will assume the shipping and handling costs of returning the item/s back to the Customer in case any fault (attributable to the SGTM) is found in a previous repair carried out by the SGTM.


9.5 Should no fault be found in the item/s dispatched by the Customer (for a first or subsequent repairs), the SGTM will charge him/her the checking and administrative fee provided in article 3.4, before sending the item/s back. This fee also applies to items rated as beyond service by the SGTM (for first or subsequent repairs).


9.6 In the event of a potential claim, the Customer should notify the SGTM immediately, whereupon the defect will be assessed and service free of charge by the SGTM providing the exclusions do not apply. This subsequent repair will be covered by the same warranty period as the original repair, counting from the latest invoice date.


9.7 Removal, or attempts to remove, warranty stickers on repaired items, without the expressed prior written permission from SGTM, will immediately render the warranty null and void without exception.


9.8 Any repairs by an alternative organization will only be permitted with prior express authorization by the SGTM. Your statutory rights are not affected.


9.9 The SGTM will not be responsible for removing, refitting or the cost involved for another party to remove or refit of items that are claimed under warranty.


10. Exclusions of Liability

10.1 The SGTM shall not be liable to the Customer for any loss of actual or anticipated profit, revenue, contracts, savings, business, opportunity, goodwill, reputation, data or any other indirect or consequential loss that could occur as a result of hiring its services (including, but not limited to, any delay on the completion of the repair works).


10.2 Regarding the ECU Postal Ecu Remap and Tuning File Service, the SGTM will not accept any liability for damages caused by poor maintenance, by other faulty parts, or by any other circumstances under Customer's responsibility. Likewise, the Swill not be liable for any losses caused to the Customer by failure to comply with regulatory compliances (including, but not limited to, vehicle taxing, MOT testing or insurance premium).


10.3 Access to and use of this website is at the user's own risk, and we do not warrant that the use of this website or any material downloaded from it will not cause damage to any property, or otherwise minimize or eliminate the inherent risks of the internet, including but not limited to loss of data, computer virus infection, spyware, malicious software, trojans and worms. Also, we accept no liability respecting losses or damages arising out of changes made to the content of this website by unauthorized third parties.


11. Postage Underpaid

If the customer has not paid the full postage when sending any item to the SG-Tronic MOTORSPORT, the latter will pay for the “underpaid postage” fee and will add this extra cost plus a £15.00 administration fee to the Customer's invoice.


12. Timeframe

The SGTM will make every effort to have the Customer's item/s repaired in the advertised timeframe. This advertised timeframe represents an estimate timescale and should not be in any way taken as a fixed turnaround time. Larger timescales may be feasible depending on the job specifications, the current work backlog, and the need of ordering spare parts or any other plausible circumstances.


13. Cancellations

The Customer can cancel his/her Service/s, by writing or email, within 14 days from the date of placing the order (‘cooling-off period') or until the date of completion of the repair service, whichever is earlier.


14. Returns and Refunds

14.1 Returns are not accepted for following Service: Ecu Cloning, Ecu Re-Programming, Ecu Recovery Software or apart from those covered by warranty.


14.2 Refunds are given at the SG-Tronic MOTORSPORT management discretion. The Company may demand the Buyer to send the repaired item back for examination and testing purposes.


15. Storage


The SGTM may invoice £15.00 per week for the storage of any item not collected within 30 days of being advised of completion of work. Customer items may be disposed or used at the SGTM discretion in case they have not been reclaimed after 45 days since the date on which the Customer was advised of the work completion.


16. Delivery

16.1 We advise that any item sent to the SGTM for repair should be delivered via tracked, special or similar delivery to ensure its reception. The SGTM will not take any responsibility for items that are lost in the post when sent to it.


16.2 Once repaired, the SGTM will send the item/s back to the Customer using the delivery method selected by him/her during the checkout process. The SGTM liability will be limited by the compensation cover offered by the courier company or postal service company.


16.3 The Customer will be responsible for any custom fees, taxes, and duties due when delivering items to the SGTM. Likewise, any custom fee, tax, or duty payable by the SGTM to the Customs Authorities because of Customer's negligence will be passed on to the Customer.


16.4 The SGTM reserves the right to refuse any parcel arriving at its premises which does not comply with all the custom requirements (including due fees, taxes, and duties).


17. Online Information 

17.1 Although the SGTM will make every effort to ensure the accuracy, completeness, and reliability of the information provided on its website (services descriptions, instructions, prices, etc.), it cannot accept responsibility if this is not the case.


17.2 The online order is considered accepted by the Company when it receives the item/s to repair. Hence, if the SGTM discovers any error in the price of the repair service or in any other aspect of the Buyer's order, it reserves the right to offer the Buyer the service at the correct price (or with the mistaken aspect corrected) or otherwise to cancel the order with no further liability. The Customer will receive a full refund in case the SGTM decides to cancel the order in such cases.


17.3 The SGTM reserves the right to change the information contained on its website, as well as these Terms and Conditions, at any time.


18. Customer's Data Accuracy

By contracting the SG-Tronic MOTORSPORT services, by the present website or by any other means, the Customer acknowledges that all the information provided to the SGTM is true, complete and accurate as of the date of the contract. Non-compliance with this requirement may lead to unilateral contract termination by the SGTM, with no further contractual liabilities.


19. Privacy Policy

We ask that you read this privacy notice carefully as it contains important information on who we are, how and why we collect, store, use, and share personal information, your rights in relation to your personal information and on how to contact us and supervisory authorities in the event you have a complaint.


SG-Tronic MOTORSPORT Provider we do so we are regulated under the General Data Protection Regulation which applies across the European Union (including in the United Kingdom) and we are responsible as ‘controller' of that personal information for the purposes of those laws.


19.1 What personal data do we collect

When ordering a service from us, we will ask you to provide your name, address, telephone number, email address and your car registration number if you will be necessary.


19.2 When and how do we collect personal data

You will be asked to provide your personal data as outlined above when you are purchasing or requesting a service on our website, subscribing to our newsletter or placing an order with us via eBay or Amazon


19.3 How we use the data we collect

We will use the data you have provided to:

• Process payment transactions.

• Contact you with updates, and fact-finding missions to facilitate the repair and return of your item.

• Send you periodic electronic newsletters (if you have subscribed).

• Contact you with special promotions.


19.4 Cookies

A cookie (sometimes also referred to as a browser cookie, HTTP cookie, Internet cookie or Web. Cookie) is a small file sent from a Web server to your computer whenever you visit a website.) If you return to the website later, your Web browser sends the small file to the server to notify the website of any previous activity you engaged in on the site. Once you return to a website, the server can retrieve the cookie file from the local computer to assist in expediting certain functions, such as logging in and retrieving account or user data. We use cookies to help us process your order on our website, understand your previous site activity and preferences, and to improve the site experience for our customers in the future. You can choose to disable cookies or clear cookies on your web browser if you wish.


19.5 Google Analytics

We use Google Analytics, a popular web analytics service provided by Google Inc. Google Analytics uses cookies to help us to analyse how users use the site.

The information generated by the cookie about your use of our website (including your IP address) will be transmitted to and stored by Google on servers in the United States. Google will use this information to evaluate your use of our website, compiling reports on website activity and providing other services relating to website activity and internet usage. Google may also transfer this information to third parties were required to do so by law, or where such third parties process the information on Google's behalf. Google undertakes not to associate your IP address with any other data held by Google.


19.6 Third-party disclosures

We will never share your personal data with any other company or legal entity without your explicit consent to do so, except for the effective fulfilment of the contract; this includes, although is not limited, to sharing information with the selected courier company. We do not allow third parties to advertise on our sales website.


19.7 How long we keep data

We will retain your data until you expressly contact us to say that you would prefer your data to be removed. This is to keep accurate records to provide our customers with adequate after sales care, and warranty services.

19.8 Contact us




Some parts of the Service are billed on a subscription basis (“Subscription(s)”. You will be billed in advance on a recurring…




Our Service not allows you to post, link, store, share and otherwise make available certain information, text, graphics, videos, or other material (“Content”). You are responsible for the …


Links To Other Websites


Our Service may contain links to third-party websites or services that are not owned or controlled by SG-Tronic MOTORSPORT


SG-Tronic Motorsport has no control over, and assumes no responsibility for, the content, privacy policies, or practices of any third-party websites or services. You further acknowledge and agree that SG-Tronic MOTORSPORT shall not be responsible or liable, directly or indirectly, for any damage or loss caused or alleged to be caused by or in connection with use of or reliance on any such content, goods, or services available on or through any such websites or services.




We reserve the right, at our sole discretion, to modify or replace these Terms at any time. If a revision is material, we will provide at least 14 days' notice before any new terms take effect. What constitutes a material change will be determined at our sole discretion.


Contact Us


If you require any further assistance about these Terms and Conditions, please contact us.


Ecu Remap Gearbox Pogramming Coding Diagnostics England, Scotland, Welsh

Opening Time 

Monday-Friday 9am – 6pm

Saturday 9am – 3pm

Sunday   Closed


Office Birmingham UK


WhatsApp Tech Support

07778483533 (only messages)


SG-Tronic Motorsport

Copyright @ All Rights Reserved
